The Riding Centre is currently closed and we are not taking lessons, trail rides, Pony Club and our other activities.

We have e-mailed further information to our registered clients.

Croxteth Park Riding Centre is just under five miles from Liverpool City Centre,within a historic country park. We cater for all abilities of riders, from complete beginners to those out competing nationally. We teach class and individual lessons, with horses and ponies suitable for all riders.

CPRC is an active Pony Club Centre and is also BHS approved.


French - Apprendre à monter à cheval au centre équestre Croxteth Park

Chinese - 学习克罗克斯泰思公园骑马的骑马中心

Dutch - Leer om paard te rijden in Croxteth Park rijcentrum

Danish - Lær at hest ride på Croxteth Park ridecenter

Finnish - Opi hevonen ratsastaa Croxteth puistossa ratsastuskeskus

German - Lernen Sie reiten am Croxteth Park Reitzentrum

Italian - Impara ad andare a cavallo al centro ippico Croxteth Park

Japanese - クロクステス公園乗馬センターで馬に乗ることを学ぶ

Polish - Nauczyć się jazdy konnej w Croxteth parku stadniny

Russian - Научиться верховой езды в парке Croxteth центр верховой езды

Spanish - Aprender a montar a caballo en Croxteth Park Riding Center